What does Fredericks mother have to do to visit him?

timeline of Frederick Douglass and family

1818 . (Exact engagement unknown) Frederick Douglass is built-in every bit Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, a slave at Holme Colina Farm, Talbot County, Maryland.
His female parent, Harriet Bailey, was a field slave from whom he was separated during his infancy. Douglass only saw his female parent 4 or 5 times thereafter and for just a few hours each time. She had been sold to a man who lived twelve miles from where Douglass lived, and to meet her son required that afterward her twenty-four hour period'southward piece of work in the field she walk the twelve miles, visit with him for a short time during the night, walk the twelve miles back to her domicile, and work a second day in the fields without rest. She died when Douglass was virtually vii.
Douglass never knew for sure whom his male parent was. He did know that his begetter was white, and he believed he was his primary, Aaron Anthony.

1826 . Sent to live with Hugh Auld family unit in Baltimore.

1827 . Asks Sophia Auld to teach him his letters. Hugh Auld stops the lessons because he feels that learning makes slaves discontented and rebellious.

1834 . Hired Out to Edward Covey, a "slave billow", to suspension his spirit and make him accept slavery.

1836 . Tries to escape from slavery, but his plot is discovered.

Frederick Douglass

1836-38 . Works in Baltimore shipyards every bit a caulker. Falls in honey with Anna Murray, a complimentary Negro (daughter of slaves).

1838 . Douglass escapes from slavery and goes to New York City. Marries Anna Murray.

1839 . Doughter Rosetta (1839 - 1906) is born. Frederick subscribes to William Garrison's The Liberator.

Anna Murray Douglass

1840. Son Lewis Henry (1840 - 1908) is born.

1841 . Speaks at a coming together of the Bristol Anti-Slavery Lodge, and subsequently, at the urging of William Lloyd Garrison, Douglass became a lecturer for the American Anti-Slavery Society and travels widely in the East and Midwest lecturing confronting slavery and campaigning for rights of free Blacks.

1842. Son Frederick Douglass, Jr. (1842 - 1892) is born.

1843 . Organized by Abner A. Frances, Henry Moxley (run across 1832), the Charles L. Reason (the first Black math professor at a white college), and others, a National Convention of Colored Men was held in Buffalo to find means to terminate slavery. The keynote speaker, Samuel H. Davis of Buffalo, called on northern Blacks to take part in the great battle for our rights in mutual with other citizens of the United States. Meeting in Buffalo around the aforementioned time was the abolitionist National Convention of the Liberty Party. However, William Wells Brown did not trust the Liberty Party, a white homo's organization (see 1836).

Frederick Douglass attended both conventions. He reports:

For nigh a week I spoke every twenty-four hour period in this former postal service part to audiences increasing in numbers and respectibility til the [Michigan Avenue] Baptist church was thrown open to me. When this became too small I went on Sunday into the open up park and addressed an assembly of four,000 persons. [Goldman]

1844. Son Charles Remond (1844 - 1920) is born.

1845 . Publishes the first of 3 autobiographies: The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave. To escape recapture following publication, goes to England lecturing on the American anti-slavery movement throughout the British Isles.

1846 . Becomes legally free when British supporters purchase his liberty from Hugh Auld, his former master.

1847a . Frederick and Anna Murray Douglass, attracted by Susan B. Anthony'south very agile women's motility, moved their family (8 year old Rosetta, 7 yr one-time Lewis, 5 twelvemonth old Frederick, and 3 year old Charles) to Rochester New York. Even their prejudice forced the Douglass' children to be educated elsewhere.

The presence of Frederick Douglass, a famous ex-slave who became a prominent abolitionist, publisher and spokesman against slavery, helped to enhance Rochester's reputation equally a liberal minded urban center. In fact, Douglass used his own Rochester home every bit one of the stops used for avoiding slaves.

1847b . Martin R. Delany moves from Pittsburgh to Rochester in order to found with and work with Frederick Douglass and William Cooper Nell on a new paper, North Star, printed in the basement of Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Zion church, a flourishing center for "undercover" activities. Some local citizens were unhappy that their town was the site of a black newspaper, and the New York Herald urged the citizens of Rochester to dump Douglass's printing press into Lake Ontario. Gradually, Rochester came to take pride in the North Star and its bold editor. starting the Northward Star marked the cease of his dependence on Garrison and other white abolitionists. The paper allowed him to discover the problems facing blacks effectually the country. Douglass had heated arguments with many of his swain black activists, but these debates showed that his people were beginning to involve themselves in the middle of events affecting their position in America. [Rollin]

Once the North Star began to circulate, Douglass's friends in the abolitionist movement rallied to join in praising it. Withal, non anybody was pleased to see another antislavery newspaper - especially one edited by an ex-slave. Some local citizens were unhappy that their town was the site of a black paper, and the New York Herald urged the citizens of Rochester to dump Douglass's press press into Lake Ontario. Gradually, Rochester came to accept pride in the North Star and its bold editor.

The town had a reputation for being pro-abolitionist. Rochester'south women were agile in antislavery societies, and through them Douglass kept in close contact with the leaders in the fight for women's rights, among them Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Along with the adept will of Rochester's abolitionist and female political activists, Douglass received encouragement from the local printer'due south matrimony. The North Star received a number of glowing reviews, but unfortunately the praises did not translate into financial success. The cost of producing a weekly newspaper was high and subscriptions grew slowly. For a number of years, Douglass was forced to depend on his own savings and contributions from friends to go along the newspaper afloat. He was forced to return to the lecture excursion to raise money for the paper. During the newspaper's commencement year, he was on the route for 6 months. In the spring of 1848, he had to mortgage his home.

In the midst of these troubles, a friend from England arrived to help Douglass with his fiscal problems. Julia Griffiths had raised plenty money to help launch the paper, and now she was prepared to fight for its survival. Griffiths put the Due north Star'southward finances in social club, and Douglass was eventually able to regain possession of his abode. By 1851, he would be able to write to his friend, the abolitionist publisher and politician Gerrit Smith, "The Due north Star sustains itself, and partly sustains my large family. It has reached a living point. Hitherto, the struggle of its life has been to live. Now it more than lives." Despite the ups and downs, Douglass's newspaper continued publication as a weekly until 1860 and survived for three more years as a monthly. After 1851, it would be titled Frederick Douglass' Newspaper. Douglass's paper symbolized the potential for blacks to achieve whatever goals they gear up. The paper provided a forum for black writers and highlighted the success achieved past prominent black figures in American society.

The paper survived as a weekly until 1860 and and then for 3 more than years as a monthly.

1848 . Douglass attends the first women's rights convention at Seneca Falls, NY and advocates the right to vote for women. While he roamed far beyond his original bounds, his wife, though hard-working, remained uneducated and politically unambitious. In England he met Julia Griffiths and brought her home to live with him in the Rochester family unit house as a tutor for his children and for married woman Anna in 1848. Simply his try with his wife failed and Anna remained well-nigh totally illiterate until her expiry.

A scandal erupted when Julia Griffiths began to serve as Douglass's office and business organization manager and soon became his almost constant companion. She bundled his lectures, dealt with the paper's finances and accompanied him to meetings. People in Rochester gradually adjusted to the sight of the black leader and the white woman walking arm in arm down the street.

1849a . Annie Douglass, Frederick'due south final kid, is born.

1849b. On May 5 Douglass is attacked by gang of toughs when he walks along Battery in New York Metropolis with 2 British women friends, Julia and Eliza Griffiths.

1850a . Publishes an attack on the Compromise of 1850 and the new fugitive-slave law.

1851a . Changes the name of North Star to Frederick Douglass' Paper. Helps iii fugitive Maryland slaves escape to Canada as "Station Master" of the Rochester terminus of the Underground Railroad(read more).

1851b. Julia Griffiths helped put the 'Due north Star's' finances in order.

Julia Griffiths was one of vi founders of the Rochester Ladies' Anti-Slavery and Sewing Society. The "Sewing" was later dropped. By March, 1852, the Lodge had grown to 19 members, when they held the showtime of their Festivals, or bazaars. In these events, held annually for over a decade, the women of the Club raised coin through the sale of items made locally or contributed by other anti-slavery societies as far away equally Great britain, and through gate receipts for lectures by Frederick Douglass, Gerrit Smith, or other activists held in the Corinthian Hall. The commencement Festival was advertised in newspapers equally far away as New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C., and by all accounts, it was a rousing success, netting over $250. Following on the heels of this boutique, the Society intensified their fund raising efforts, matching success with success. In 1853, Julia Griffiths edited Autographs for freedom, a drove of antislavery essays by William Wells and Black mathematician Charles Reason and others, with facsimile signatures of the contributors, which sold so well that a second edition was prepared the post-obit year. In the winter of 1854-55, the Society also sponsored its first annual lecture serial, bringing in renowned speakers. Once again, the Society found a large and receptive audience for their message. Colleagues in British antislavery societies provided an important and regular source of funds through bazaars held on behalf of the Rochester Club. By the tardily 1850s, the annual receipts of the Society surpassed $one,500.

The bulk of the money raised by the Order was used in the of import task of keeping Frederick Douglass' Paper solvent, just coin was also used to assist back up a schoolhouse for freedmen in Kansas and for the publication and distribution of anti-slavery literature in Kentucky. The Society played a crucial support role in one stretch of the Underground Railroad, providing small-scale greenbacks gifts straight to fugitive slaves to assist them on the last leg of their escape to Canada. The Gild'southward annual reports for 1855 and 1856 listed 136 fugitives who had passed through Rochester with the Social club's help, and by the post-obit yr, they had begun to develop a connexion with veteran "railroad" engineer, Harriet Tubman. The pro-slavery pessure and Blackness and White lover scandal became likewise much and in 1855 Julia Griffiths returned to England and got married

1851c. Douglass aids 3 fugitive Maryland slaves, wanted for murdering their onetime chief when he tried to recapture them in Pennsylvania in escaping to Canada. The 3 are among hundreds Douglass helps abscond to freedom as "station principal" of the Rochester terminus of the Underground Railroad.

1852a. Splits with Garrison over the means to accomplish the abolition of slavery. Chosen vice-presidential candidate at the Liberal Political party convention. Delivers his famous speech, "What to the Slave is the Quaternary of July?" in Corinthian Hall, Rochester, New York.

1852b. Griffiths decided to spare Douglass further embarrassment by moving out of his abode. She remained his shut associate until she left the United States.

1853 . With Frederick Douglass equally a draw, the National Negro Convention (also known as the Colored National Convention) meets in Rochester.

1855a . Douglass writes a second autobiography: My Chains and My Freedom .

1855b . Aware that Douglass' enemies were using his highly public relationship with Griffith every bit negative fodder, Julia Griffith returns dwelling to England.

1855c. Douglass meets Ottilie Assing. Ottilie (1819-1884) was a German language (half-Jew) journalist for the prestigious German newspaper Morgenblatt für gebildete Leser, who traveled to Rochester, New York, in 1856 to interview Douglass. Assing spent the next 22 summers with the Douglass family, working on manufactures, the translation project, and tutoring his children.

Anna Douglass, Frederick's wife, was somewhat older than Frederick and illiterate, was als ill much of the time.  She shared petty of her husband's intellect or interests, and seemed unable to cope with the big household.

Assing, on the other hand, was a passionate abolitionist, was politically astute, and contributed a great bargain to Douglass' piece of work. The thing was never confined to the domestic sphere, and it was never a secret. For most of their 26 year friendship, when autonomously, Frederick and Ottilie weekly wrote each other. Assing was confident that, upon Anna's death, Douglass would marry her. Oh, bitter news! He wed some other woman - white, bright and 20 years his junior. Heartbroken and sick with breast cancer, Assing walked into a park, opened a tiny vial and swallowed the potassium cyanide within. Still Ottilie left Frederick Douglass as the sole heir in her volition.

Ottilie Assing

[Annotation. The Douglass'southward letters to Assing were burned, and only a scattering survive from Assing to Douglass. There is a book by a professor of American Studies at University of Muenster in Germany:Dear beyond Color Lines: Ottilie Assing and Frederick Douglass. Past Maria Diedrich. (New York: Hill and Wang, 1999. xxx, 480 pp. $35.00, isbn 0-8090-1613-3.) ]

1857 . The Rochester public schools desegregate subsequently years of Frederick Douglasses protestations.

1858 . John Brownish stays at the Douglass dwelling house in Rochester while developing plans for encouraging a slave revolt.

1859a . Escapes to Canada to avoid being arrested every bit an accomplice in John Chocolate-brown's plan to seize Harper's Ferry and sails to England:
Douglass knew and supported John Chocolate-brown in his profitable escaped slaves to attain Canada. But when in 1859 Brownish told him of the program to assault the Harpers Ferry Armory and to arm the slaves for an coup, Douglass knew that his friend had gone round the bend and declined to participate in the raid. Brownish'due south confiscated papers mentioned the proper name of Douglass, and a request for his arrest was issued. This led Douglass to accept an firsthand unplanned voyage to Europe, where he met upward with Ottilie Assing, and, on the lecture circuit he acclaimed, from afar, the martyrdom of John Chocolate-brown.

1859b. Ottilie Assing, vividly described for a German paper, a demarcation line that surrounded Douglass's home: "This is the house of FD, the famous colored orator, who lives in the country shut to Rochester , and American colour prejudice is the demon which surrounds this business firm similar a Chinese wall, beyond which only the most adamant and agog abolitionists cartel to step."

1859c . Eleven-year old daughter Annie Douglass dies.

1860 . Returns to the Usa upon hearing of the death of his, Annie. Her death had the effect of curtailing Douglass' European speaking tours.

1861 . Calls for the utilize of Black troops to fight the Confederacy through the establishment of Negro regiments in the Union Army.

1863a . Congress authorized black enlistment in the Union army. The Massachusetts 54th Regimate was the offset black unit to be formed, and the governor of the country asked Frederick Douglass to aid in the recruitment. Douglass agreed and wrote an editorial that was published in the local newspapers. "Men of Color, to Arms," he urged blacks to "end in a day the bondage of centuries" and to earn their equality and show their patriotism by fighting in the Union cause. His sons Lewis and Charles were amid the first Rochester African Americans to enlist. Douglass visited President Abraham Lincoln to protest discrimination against Black troops.

1863b . Rosetta Douglass , daughter of Frederick, returns to Rochester with new husband Nathaniel Sprague.

1863c. Douglass visits President Lincoln, protests discrimination against black troops; visits President Lincoln in White House to plead the case of the Negro soldiers discriminated confronting in the Spousal relationship army; receives assurance from Lincoln that problem volition be given every consideration; visits secretarial assistant of War Stanton and bodacious that he will receive a commission in Marriage Ground forces to Recruit Negro soldiers in South.

1864 . Frederick Douglass served as an adviser to President Abraham Lincoln during the Ceremonious War and fought for the adoption of constitutional amendments that guaranteed voting rights and other ceremonious liberties for blacks. Douglass provided a powerful voice for human rights during this period of American history and is still revered today for his contributions against racial injustice.

1865. Douglass speaks at memorial meeting on life and expiry of Lincoln called by Negroes of New York City after New York Common Council refused to permit Negroes to participate in the funeral procession when Lincoln'south trunk passed through the city. Later on Mrs. Lincoln sends him the martyred president's walking stick.

1866 . Attends convention of Equal Rights Clan and clashes with women's rights leaders over their insistence that the vote not be extended to Black men unless it is given to all women at the same time.

1867 . Turns downward President Andrew Johnson's offer to name him commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau inasmuch as the National Black Leadership supported General Oliver O. Howard'southward continuation in the post.

1869 . Frederick's son Lewis marries Amelia Loguen, daughter of Bishop Jermain Loguen.

1870 . Becomes owner and editor of The New National Era, a weekly newspaper in Washington. DC.

1871 . Appointed Assistant Secretary to the Conimission of Inquiry into the possible annexation of Santo Dorningo.

1872 . Douglass is nominated for vice-president by Equal Rights Party on a ticket headed past Victoria Woodhull. During the 1872 presidential election, and Frederick Douglass was given an unexpected accolade. He was chosen as ane of the two electors-at-large from New York, the men who carried the sealed envelope with the results of the country voting to the capital. After the ballot, Douglass expected that he would be given a position in the Ulysses S. Grant administration, just no post was offered, so he returned to the lecture circuit. Later Douglass'south Rochester home went up in flames. None of his family was hurt, but many irreplaceable volumes of his newspapers were destroyed. Although friends urged him to rebuild in Rochester, Douglass decided to motion his family to the center of political activity in Washington, D.C.

1874 . Named president of Freedman'south Savings and Trust Company.

1877 . Appointed U.s.a. marshall of the District of Columbia.

Douglass 188_

1878 . Douglass purchases "Cedar Hill" a nine-acre manor in the Anacostia department of Washington, DC.

1881. Frederick Douglass is appointed Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia. He publishes a third autobiography: Life and Times of Frederick Douglass .

1882a . Florence Sprague and Viola VanBuren where the first Blackness teachers in the Rochester Schoolhouse Commune. (note: information technology appears not to be true that Florence is girl of Rosetta Douglass Sprague, encounter 1863)

1882b . Anna Douglass, died after a long illness.

1883. Distinguished Men of New York

1884a . Resigns equally Recorder of Deeds for the Commune of Columbia.

1884b. Frederick Douglass marries his secretary Helen Pitts, a white adult female from Honeoye New York (not 20 miles afar Honeoye Falls), who was nearly 20 years younger than he. Both families recoiled; hers stopped speaking to her; his was bruised for they felt his marriage was a repudiation of their mother.

Hellen Pitts was a graduate of Mount Holyoke Seminary, and daughter of Gideon Pitts, Jr., an abolitionist colleague and friend of Douglass'. Gideon's home was a station on the Undercover Railroad.. While living in Washington, D.C. before her spousal relationship, Helen had worked on a radical feminist publication called the Blastoff.

Helen is a straight descendent of John and Priscilla Alden and a cousin to Presidents John and John Q. Adams. As a result, the marriage of a Mayflower Daughter to a former slave was yet another source of outrage to those who opposed the inter-racial matrimony with Douglass. It was Pitts' race, and non her age upset both the black and the white communities. Douglass' response was, My first married woman was the color of my mother, my second is the color of my father.

Pitts, nevertheless, would show to exist virtually influential at establishing the Frederick Douglass home and maintaining the legacy of Douglass after his death..

Helen Pitts Douglass

1884c. Frederick Douglass' lover of 26 years, Ottilie Assing commits suicide (see 1856 above).

1886. 1986-87 Frederick and Helen travel to England, France, Italy, Arab republic of egypt and Greece in 1886-87.

1888. Appointed Consul Full general to Haiti by President Benjamin Harrison

1889 . Appointed Charge d'Affaires for Santo Domingo too as Minister Resident to Haiti.

1891 . Resigns equally Minister to Haiti.

1892. Below - President Benjamin Harrison attends anniversary at Kodak Park with Frederick Douglass, Mayor Hiram Edgerton and Civil State of war veterans.

1893. Announces plans to establish Freedom Manufacturing Co., a textile manufacturing firm, on a site about Norfolk, Virginia, where he hopes to apply 300 blacks. The scheme proves to be a sham by unscrupulous promoters using his name and prestige.

1895 . On February 20, Frederick Douglass at Cedar Hill, Anacostia, after attention a women's rights meeting, was struck by a massive center set on and died at the age of 77. Every bit news of Douglass's death spread throughout the land, crowds gathered at the Washington church building where he lay in country to pay their respects. Blackness public schools airtight for the day, and parents took their children for a last expect at the famed leader. His wife and children accompanied his body back to Rochester, where he was laid to balance. Helen works to preserve the Douglass home in memory of Frederick.

The Frederick Douglass Dwelling house. At the request of Helen Pitts Douglass, Congress chartered the Frederick Douglass Memorial and Historical Association, to whom Mrs. Douglass bequeathed the house. Joining with the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, the clan opened the house to visitors in 1916. The property was added to the National Park system on September 5, 1962 and was designated a National Historic Site in 1988. The Frederick Douglass National Historic Site is located at 1411 Westward Street, SE in Washington, D. C. and information technology is opened to the public.

1896 . Rosetta Douglass Sprague was a founding member of the National Clan of Colored Women.

1898 . The kickoff monument to a black homo, Frederick Douglass (also run into 1847), was established in Rochester.

1910 . While serving as president of the Frederick Douglass Memorial Association, Mary Talbert was responsible for the restoration of the Frederick Douglass Home in Anacostia, Maryland. She also served every bit a delegate to the International Quango of Women in Norway, and lectured internationally internationally on race relations and women'southward rights. For more on Talbert click Talbert.

Children of Frederick Douglass:
Rosetta, Lewis Henry, Frederick, Jr., Charles Resmond, Annie

Mary Louise was the girl of Charles Resmond Douglass. Her siblings were Charles Frederick, Joseph Henry, Annie Elizabeth, Julia Ada, Edward and Haley George.

Some references:

  1. Douglass, Frederick. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass: His Early Life as a Slave, His Escape From Bondage, and His Consummate History Written by Himself. New York: Collier Books, 1962.
  2. Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass an American Slave, Written by Himself. Ed. Benjamin Quarles. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1960.
  3. Douglass, Helen Pitts. In Memoriam: Frederick Douglass. Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Printing, 1971.
  4. Diedrich, Maria. Love across Color Lines: Ottilie Assing and Frederick Douglass . Hill and Wang, 1999, 480 pp. $35.00, isbn 0-8090-1613-3.)
  5. Douglass, Frederick. The Heroic Slave. (published in Autographs for Freedom, edited Julia Griffiths [Cleveland: John P. Jewett & Company, 1853]
  6. May 2003 messages from Jean Czerkas <JFCZERKAS@msn.com>. Florence Sprague is not a child of Rosetta Douglass. Rosetta, her married man Nathan, three of their daughters and only son are interred in historic Mt. Hope Cemetery in Rochester, New York. At that place children are:
    Alice Louisa; Annie Rosine; Harriet Bailey; Estelle Irene; Fredericka Douglass; Herbert Douglass; Rosebelle Mary.

Other sites:

Frederick Douglass home .

Frederick Douglass Museum and Cultural Heart .

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Source: http://www.math.buffalo.edu/~sww/0history/hwny-douglass-family.html

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